Disclaimer & Terms of Service


Payment is due with your reservation. Changes and fully refunded cancellations can freely be made to a booking up to 12 hours in advance. Otherwise, Refunds are officially not offered, as the service is based upon time. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis, and if you need to reschedule within the 12 hours of your appointment please contact me directly. No shows, unless it's a true emergency can not be rescheduled.

My Time zone is PST Pacific Standard Time Zone and it is your responsibility to make sure you have the correct correlating time for your time zone.

Due to higher demand and inflation my prices may go up. Longer term clients in need may contact me directly to see if they qualify to keep their previous rates.

Please be prepared and have all your own technical sound settings, device, and softwares in order before your session begins. We can not offer you any tech support and can not be responsible for any power outages, Internet or Zoom failures on your end.

In the event of an unexpected zoom, internet or other technical failure on your end, please contact Pam to change your appointment to a Phone appointment.

We do not offer you any kind of "customer service" besides a timely rendering of the service offered.

Please be on time and prepared for your appointment. We can not extend in the case that you are late or you did not check your equipment or software. No refunds will be offered due to any issues on your end to be timely or prepared.

Absolutely no recording is allowed of any kind, so you should prepare to take notes if you need to. Any recordings by you will be considered copyright infringement as this work is classified as "Entertainment". In the case that any unauthorized recordings are created, Pam will own the copyright of the contents of the recording and the recording itself 100%.

Please note: as humans err, Psychic & Intuitive Arts are Not 100 % accurate and should not be viewed as such.

As required by law, please note the following disclaimer - All readings are offered as "entertainment only" and are not intended to imply or replace professional medical, legal, or psychiatric advice or treatment from appropriate certified professionals. I am merely a humble channel for Spirit and absolutely cannot make any claims to the accuracy of the information I receive from Spirit. You are 100% responsible for your life and any choices you make or do not make based on any information that comes through in your reading. Please consider a reading might not be appropriate for everyone and is not allowed for people under 18 years old without a parent's permission. It is your responsibility to determine if it's appropriate for you to partake in any readings. By booking a reading you are  accepting 100% responsibility for what you do or not with the information given to you.


Pam and Angel Arts reserves the right to refuse anyone service at any time for any reason. Booking an appointment with us is your consent to this agreement. Thank you for your kind understanding.


Please come to your appointment with an open mind and a relaxed positive attitude to get the most out of your reading. If you bring bad vibes to your own appointment, you are limiting what Pam and the Universe might be able to do for you. Blessings




 Terms and Conditions


1.        We can not offer you any tech support.  Please double check your equipment, Internet Connection and Zoom to make sure it is in working order before the Class begins. We cannot be held responsible for power outages, failure of your Internet connection at your end, nor for your equipment failure. You will not be entitled to a refund in the case that you did not prepare or schedule properly.

2. Not all classes are recorded and you are not buying a recording of your class, along with your class experience. These offerings would be specifically specified if a class video were to be included, after any event, but is not obligated on Pam’s end. 

3. Refunds will only be offered should Pam cancel the class.

4. Pam's number one rule is that you are kind to yourself and others during the class. She operates a no-tolerance policy in respect of verbal abuse towards other students and other forms of disrespect in the class and you will be asked to leave without refund should you disrupt the class.

4. Absolutely no cameras or other filming or video/audio recording equipment are to be used to capture the people or class content in person or in any  Zoom room.

5. by joining the class you are agreeing to be filmed by Pam and that she own’s the rights to use your participation in the class in any manner, relevant to her work or the class work, including promotional use.

6. Pam will own the copyright to the video of the class and you hereby grant rights for your own image to appear in any videos released regarding the class.

7.        The class sessions may be recorded by Pam (and only by Pam) and by registering, you give us permission to record via video and audio. Content of all audio and visual recordings remains the copyright of Pam and may not be used by you for public or commercial purposes. Any public use on your end, whether or not for gain, will constitute a breach of the Copyright Laws. Furthermore, class videos are not to be shared with any persons out of the group, this also respects the of the privacy of the students. 

8. You acknowledge and agree that Pam is is not and can not be held responsible, should another student illegally film the class and your participation.

9. No student would ever be allowed by Pam to film a class without your knowledge.

10. No refund or transfers will be given for missed sessions due to students’s technical issues, confusions with time zones or schedule conflicts.

11. If you fail to turn up for the class on any given day, you will not be eligible for a refund.

12.  PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or other Payment – Please Note: Payments are made accepting the terms and conditions above, also upon making full payment you agree that the payment is non-refundable, with no exceptions. You are therefore advised not to sign-up or pay for the course if you are unable to commit to the course.

13.  Please be respectful of Pam’s time outside of the class. Unless specified as such, the classes offered are not a mentorship. Please note that Pam cannot accept personal correspondence with personal questions. You can schedule a paid appointment, if you have deeper questions that can not wait until a next class offering.

14. Pam does teach private lessons that correspond to her reading rates.

15. Please be mindful and respectful that people may be on different levels in the group and we seek to be supportive of all. We share a common goal and this is meant to be a fun, playful and supportive environment and is not meant to be a competitive one. Spirit doesn’t care if you did the exercise better than anyone else, Spirit cares about your loving heart and the space you hold and create for others in the room.

Many blessings and I look forward to playing with you!

